

For Relationships (by John Gottman and others)

For Work Transitions


Robin S. Rosenberg, Ph.D., ABPP
Clinical Psychologist

Offices in:
  • Mission/Noe Valley, San Francisco
  • Menlo Park, California

Mailing address: 
1220 University Drive; Suite 103
Menlo Park, CA 94025


Cal. Lic. #24085                
Mass. Lic. #4604

 Examples  of Transitions for In-Transition Coaching 


  • Think about or begin some type of educational experience (e.g., college, graduate school, vocational, specific skill training)
  • Graduate from, leave without graduating, or be asked to leave an educational/training experience. 


  • Romantic:
    • Become single after a relationship ends 
    • Pre-marital coaching
    • Marital coaching
  • Friendships:
    • Figure out the different types of friendships that tap into the different parts of you
    • Learn when you want to be with certain types of friends versus others
  • Work--Change relationships with colleagues as you or they (or both) change positions in a company or change companies
  • Family—relationships with family members can transition when you:
    • Leave home
    • Return home
    • Have children/decide not to have children
    • Begin or end a romantic relationship
    • Blending families
    • Have to “take care of” a family member who was previously more independent.


  • Change your position in a company
  • Change companies
  • Change jobs (the types of work you perform)
  • Become unemployed
  • Retire.


Move to a new place provides you with an opportunity to “reinvent yourself” and to allow other sides of yourself to come to the fore. Moves offer this opportunity in various aspects of your life: family, new friends, neighbors, colleagues.

Medical change (that last for a while):

  • Incur an injury or developing/being diagnosed with a disease or disorder
  • Recover from a long-standing injury, disease, or disorder.


Lose a family member, friend, partner, or job changes your identity. As your grief transitions, how do you want to make meaning of that loss?


You may not have any transitions that are coming up or occurred recently, but wish that you did—you want something about yourself to change. You want to make some type of transition. Coaching can help you figure out what part(s) of your life and what to transition toward.